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Sharing knowledge, supporting education and open innovation

Sharing knowledge, supporting education and open innovation

Sharing knowledge, supporting education and open innovation

We believe in the curiosity of students and academic researchers and their willingness to discover new technologies and innovate.

We believe in the curiosity of students and academic researchers and their willingness to discover new technologies and innovate.

We believe in the curiosity of students and academic researchers and their willingness to discover new technologies and innovate.

Students and academic researchers can request their own digital labs to create and share in silico experiments with Constellab™

We are committed to providing with students and academic research:

  • easy access to Constellab™ to support their academic projects

  • training and certifications to validate their digital skills and boost their careers

  • open-innovation tools for a universal and sustainable access to knowledge

Our pillars


We believe in collaboration for sustainable R&D. We promote fair and open data to make knowledge accessible for everyone

Academic research

To build a better world, through technological innovation, we are committed to the responsible use and reuse of data, to data transparency and data traceability

Open innovation

We are user-centric, committed to democratize artificial intelligence and digital twins by making these innovations accessible to everyone