Gencovery supports the artificial intelligence week at ESTBB – Lyon
28 mai 2022

Djomangan Adama OUATTARA, CEO of Gencovery gave a presentation this morning to ESTBB – Ecole Supérieure de Biologie – Biochimie – Biotechnologies Master’s students on #artificialintelligence and its applications in life sciences.
This presentation is part of their 5th-year curriculum during the Artificial Intelligence Week of ESTBB.
Several applications were discussed covering #health, #agriculture , #nutrition and more. Particular focus was made on the ethical aspects related to artificial intelligence, #datarights, #datagovernance, #qualitycontrol, #transparency
Gencovery is committed to supporting #education and #openinnovation on #AI solutions in #biotechnology. We believe in the curiosity of students and their desire to discover new technologies and innovate.